Saturday, March 29, 2008

Doctors Without Boarders 5k

Tee and I ran in a local 5k race. Needless to say he was way ahead of me. My time was around 26? min. He ran it in 22?. The course was very hilly and I am just glad to be running a little.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Tony Hawk 40?

Tony Hawk was in USA Today this morning. Awesome. I truly admire this guy.

VISTA, Calif. — Skateboarding legend Tony Hawk moves with the power and grace of a jungle cat. As heavy metal rock blasts in an industrial office building here, he swoops down a steep, two-story-high skateboarding ramp that would spook most people.

Other skateboarders hanging with Hawk whoop at his high-flying moves. For two decades, Hawk dominated the ESPN X Games and other competitions. Now 40, he's retired from competing....

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A new race this year

The race will be Saturday April 5th around campus. I hope to be ready. I want to train and loose about 15lbs. (Sure, we will see when the time comes.)