Monday, November 17, 2008

Run for Rabies 2008

This is one of my favorite races of the year. I love running with Sam. He had his paw on my knee for the posed shot. Michael was taking the photo and was pretty lucky to get this. Sam doesn't sit still for long.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Alltime Olympian

I had some fun with photo manipulation this month... so I made myself a famous olympian and a few years younger I might add.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

D300 Live-View Test

When I was jogging this morning I saw a spiderweb back lit from the early sun. I decided to finish running and get my camera. I tested the live-view feature on the D300 and got used to how it works. It's not like my point and shoot screen and takes a little more patience. However, once I got used to the feature, it proved itself useful. With this shot, I needed a higher perspective than I could get at eye level. In live-view I was able to raise the camera angle while focusing with the view screen. It took several attempts but I got what I thought was an acceptable result.

To learn more about live-view go to:

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tom T 47?

Today, I am 7 years older than Tony Hawk. Sure he is a lot richer and can skate me under the table but I still enjoy life to the fullest. ;o)

Friday, June 20, 2008

I Won a Nikon Camera!

The most awesome thing happened to me today.  While at a UPAA symposium I won a photo competition sponsored by Nikon.  It was a perfect example of God's grace because I sure didn't deserve it given the talent participating.  

We were touring Atlanta's Olympic Park that day. The rules of the competition were that you had to take the photo around the park area.   Retired Nikon representative, Fred Sisson, gave us a theme to follow and we had to take a photo which best matched the theme.  It was an old Coke slogan, "A Pause that Refreshes".  

We had most of the morning and part of the afternoon in the aquarium and park.  When the bus was getting ready to leave,  I was able to spot what I thought was a good shot and got it.  It was just about the last photo I took that day.   I chose three of my best ones that night but I could only choose one to enter.
Take your pick... which one do you think it is?

I won a Nikon D300 and lens.  I was heading to Africa on a mission trip the following week so this camera came at a fortunate time.  Thanks Fred!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Insanity Skatepark

I was in Madison, AL this weekend so I visited a local skatepark that I had heard about last year. It was very nice. I could only skate for an hr but it was worth it. The large half pipe is 10ft high. The transition is very smooth and easy to skate. I hope I can go back some time soon.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Doctors Without Boarders 5k

Tee and I ran in a local 5k race. Needless to say he was way ahead of me. My time was around 26? min. He ran it in 22?. The course was very hilly and I am just glad to be running a little.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Tony Hawk 40?

Tony Hawk was in USA Today this morning. Awesome. I truly admire this guy.

VISTA, Calif. — Skateboarding legend Tony Hawk moves with the power and grace of a jungle cat. As heavy metal rock blasts in an industrial office building here, he swoops down a steep, two-story-high skateboarding ramp that would spook most people.

Other skateboarders hanging with Hawk whoop at his high-flying moves. For two decades, Hawk dominated the ESPN X Games and other competitions. Now 40, he's retired from competing....

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A new race this year

The race will be Saturday April 5th around campus. I hope to be ready. I want to train and loose about 15lbs. (Sure, we will see when the time comes.)